6ES72151HG400XB0 参数详情
6ES72151HG400XB0 参数详情
Overvoltage protection devices
The more than one million lightning strikes in Germany every year pose a considerable risk for buildings and systems that can be damaged due to the unhindered effect of lightning currents, overvoltage and power surges. In many cases however, it is not apparent that such damage has been caused by lightning currents, overvoltage and power surges.
Overvoltage results in considerable damage to electrical and electronic equipment. Even brief transients in power supply lines or between electrical lines and other conductive parts (e.g. grounded metallic parts, ground) are sufficient to cause such damage. The damage patterns of destroyed lines, circuit boards or switchgear demonstrate this. Such damage can be prevented employing suitable overvoltage protection means.
Reliably protected by Siemens lightning and surge arresters!
System overview

5SD7413-3 避雷器 T1/T2, UN 240/400V,UC 335V A.C., 保护组件可插拔, 3+0 电路(TN-C), 宽度 54mm 带遥信 列表价(不含税) | 显示价格 | | 您的单价(不含税) | 显示价格 | | PDF 格式的数据表 | 下载 | 服务和支持 (手册,,问答...) | 下载 |
5SD7418-3 插件 T1/T2,L-N, 标称电压 UN 240V A.C. UC 335V A.C.,IIMP 12.5kA, 仅用于 5SD7413-2(3)和 5SD7414-2(3)
产品 | 商品编号(市售编号) | 5SD7413-3 | 产品说明 | 避雷器 T1/T2, UN 240/400V,UC 335V A.C., 保护组件可插拔, 3+0 电路(TN-C), 宽度 54mm 带遥信 | 产品家族 | Basic devices | 产品生命周期 (PLM) | PM300:有效产品 | 价格数据 | 价格组 / 总部价格组 | RD / 1BK | 列表价(不含税) | 显示价格 | 您的单价(不含税) | 显示价格 | 金属系数 | L-P----- | 交付信息 | 出口管制规定 | AL : N / ECCN : N | 工厂生产时间 | 2 天 | 净重 (Kg) | 0.556 Kg | 包装尺寸 | 76.00 x 106.00 x 78.00 | 包装尺寸单位的测量 | MM | 数量单位 | 1 件 | 包装数量 | 1 | 其他产品信息 | EAN | 4001869427638 | UPC | 未提供 | 商品代码 | 85363090 | LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID | LV10.1 | 产品组 | 5524 | 组代码 | P310 | 原产地 | 德国 | Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive | RoHS 合规开始日期: 2010.05.01 | 产品类别 | C: 产品制造/生产到订单,无法重复使用或再利用,也不能通过信用退货。 | 电气和电子设备使用后的收回义务类别 | - | REACH Art. 33 责任信息 | | 分类 | | | 版本 | 分类 | eClass | 12 | 27-17-90-90 | eClass | 6 | 27-13-92-01 | eClass | 7.1 | 27-13-92-01 | eClass | 8 | 27-13-92-01 | eClass | 9 | 27-13-92-01 | eClass | 9.1 | 27-13-92-01 | ETIM | 7 | EC002496 | ETIM | 8 | EC002496 |
| |
6ES72151HG400XB0 参数详情 6ES72151HG400XB0 参数详情
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