The fail-safe CPU with a large program memory and quantity framework for demanding applications
For constructing a fail-safe automation system for plants with increased safety requirements
Complies with safety requirements to SIL 3 acc. to IEC 61508 and PL e acc. to ISO 13849.1
Fail-safe I/O modules can be connected in a distributed configuration to both integral PROFIBUS DP interfaces (PROFIsafe)
Fail-safe ET 200M I/O modules can also be connected centrally
Central and distributed use of standard modules for non safety-oriented applications
SIMATIC Micro Memory Card required for operation of CPU.
The CPU 317F-2 DP allows a fail-safe automation system to be implemented for plants with increased safety requirements, especially in manufacturing automation.
Distributed I/O stations containing fail-safe I/O modules can be connected through the two integrated PROFIBUS DP interfaces. The fail-safe ET 200M I/O modules can also be installed in central and safety-related configurations.
The safety-oriented communication between the F-CPU and the fail-safe I/O modules is performed on the basis of the PROFIsafe profile.
A SIMATIC Micro Memory Card is required for operation of the CPU.
The CPU 317F-2 DP is equipped with the following:
The processor can handle execution times of approx. 25 ns per binary instruction and 160 ns per floating-point instruction. The CPU 317F-2 DP is significantly superior regarding processing speed, particularly where word or double-word commands and 32 bit fixed-point commands are concerned
1.5 MB high-speed work memory for safety-relevant and standard program sections; increased memory space requirements must be expected (5 times larger) if safety-relevant program sections are implemented. SIMATIC Micro Memory Cards (8 MB max.) as load memory for the program also allow the project to be stored in the CPU (complete with symbols and comments) and can be used for data archiving and recipe management.
Flexible expansion possibilities
Max. 32 modules (four-tier configuration)
Combined MPI/DP interface
The first MPI/DP integrated interface can establish as many as 32 connections ltaneously to S7-300/400 or connections to programming device, PC, OP. Among these connections, one is always reserved for programming devices and another for OPs. A simple network with up to 32 CPUs can be configured with the MPI interfaces and "global data communication".
The MPI interface can be reconfigured from an MPI to a DP interface. The DP interface can be used as a DP master or as a DP slave.
PROFIBUS DP interface;
The second integrated interface of the CPU 317F-2 DP is a pure PROFIBUS DP interface that can be used as a DP master or as a DP slave. It allows a distributed automation configuration with high speeds and simple handling. From the user's point of view, the distributed I/Os are treated the same as central I/Os (identical configuration, addressing and programming).
The PROFIBUS DP V1 standard is supported in full. This increases the scope of DP V1 standard slaves in terms of diagnostics and parameterization capability.
Limitation: It is impossible to operate both interfaces ltaneously as slaves.
Distributed I/O stations containing fail-safe I/O modules can be connected through the two integrated PROFIBUS DP interfaces. The fail-safe ET 200M I/O modules can also be installed in central and safety-related configurations. Safety-related communication is performed over PROFIBUS DP with the PROFIsafe profile.
Password protection;
a password concept protects the user program from unauthorized access.
Diagnostics buffer;
the last 100 error and interrupt events are stored in a buffer for diagnostic purposes.
Maintenance-free data backup;
all data is automatically backed up by the CPU if the voltage is interrupted and is available unchanged after the voltage has been reconnected.
Parameterizable properties
The S7 configuration as well as the properties and response of the CPUs can be parameterized using STEP 7:
MPI multipoint interface;
determining station addresses
Restart/cycle time behavior;
stipulation of maximum cycle time and loading
Clock bit memory;
setting of addresses
Protection level;
specifying the access rights to program and data
System diagnostics;
determining handling and scope of the diagnostic alarms
Watchdog interrupts;
setting of periodicity
Clock interrupts;
setting of start date, start time and periodicity
PROFIBUS DP master/slave interface;
user-oriented address assignment for distributed I/O
Information and display functions
Status and error indications;
LEDs indicate e.g. hardware, programming, time, I/O or bus errors, as well as operating states such as RUN, STOP and restart.
Test functions;
the PG is used to indicate ** status during program execution, to modify process variables independently of the user program and to output the contents of stack memories.
Information functions;
the PG can be used to obtain information about the memory capacity and operating mode of the CPU, the current loading of the work and load memory, current cycle times and diagnostics buffer content in plain text.
Integrated communication functions
PG/OP communication
bal data communication
S7 basic communication
S7 communication (server only)
System functions
The CPU provides many extensive system functions for diagnostics, parameterization, synchronization, alerting, time measurement, etc.
See Manual for details.
The safety-related and standard communication between the central controller and the distributed stations is performed via PROFIBUS DP. The specially developed PROFIBUS profile PROFIsafe allows the transmission of user data associated with the safety function within the standard data telegram. Additional hardware components, e.g. special safety buses are not required. The necessary software is either integrated in the hardware components as an expansion of the operating system or loaded into the CPU later as a certified software block.
The safety functions of the F-CPU are included in the F program of the CPU and in the fail-safe ** modules. The ** modules monitor the output and input **s by means of discrepancy analysis and the injection of test **s. The CPU checks the proper operation of the controller by means of periodic self-tests, command tests and logic-based and time-based program execution checks. Furthermore, the I/O is checked using requests for signs of life. If an error is diagnosed in the system, the system will be placed in a safe state. An F runtime license is not required for operation of the CPU 317F-2 DP.
The CPU 317F-2 DP is programmed in the same manner as other SIMATIC S7 systems. The user program for non-fail-safe plant sections is created using familiar programming tools, e.g. STEP 7.
Option packages SIMATIC S7 Distributed Safety (Classic) and SIMATIC Safety Advanced V12 (TIA Portal V12)
The STEP 7 option packages "SIMATIC S7 Distributed Safety" (Classic) or SIMATIC Safety Advanced V12 (TIA Portal V12) are required for programming the safety-related program sections. The packages contain all the functions and blocks required to create an F program.
The F program with the safety functions is connected in F FBD or F LAD or using special functions from the F library. Use of F FBD or F LAD simplifies configuration and programming of the plant and also acceptance testing thanks to the non-plant-specific uniform presentation form. The programmer can concentrate on configuration of the safety-related application without the need to use additional tools.
6ES7317-6FF04-0AB0 SIMATIC S7-300,CPU 317F-2DP, *处理器,带 1.5MB 主存储器, 1 个 MPI/DP 12MBit/s 接口, 2个 DP-Master/Slave 接口, 需要微型存储卡 可随软件包使用 S7 Distributed Safety 从 5.2版 SP1 起 |
6ES7833-1FA17-0YA5 SIMATIC S7,安全程序编程工具; STEP 7 Safety 高级版 V17; 工程软件; 浮动许可证(针对 1 个用户); U 盘上的许可证密钥; A 级,2 种语言(德语,英语); 运行环境为 TIA 博途 V17 STEP 7 专业版 V17; 用于组态 SIMATIC S7-1200F/1500F, SIMATIC S7-1500F 软件控制器, SIMATIC S7-300F/400F/WINAC F ******************************* 内容:1x USB |
6ES7833-1FC02-0YE5 SIMATIC S7,F-程序员-工具 S7 Distributed Safety V5.4, 从 V5.X 升级到 V5.4, 单用户升级, E 软件,软件和文档在 DVD 上, A 级,3 种语言(德语,英语,法语), 可在以下操作系统下运行 Windows 7 SP1, Windows 10 专业版, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 服务器版 2008 R2 SP1, Windows 服务器版 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016; 64 位操作系统 需要; STEP 7 V5.5 SP1 及高版本; 参考,-HW S7-300F/400F/WinAC F |