

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 小昆山镇 荡湾村 广富林4588弄52号3楼
  • 姓名: 颜经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 工控电器 DCS/PLC系统
  • 发布日期:2024-01-11
  • 阅读量:48
  • 价格:1000.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海松江小昆山荡湾村  
  • 关键词:西门子PLC模块代理商,西门子PLC模块,西门子电源模块代理商,嘉峪关西门子模块代理商,西门子变频器代理商




    OXYMAT 6 气体分析仪的功能基于测量顺磁压力变化的方式,用于测量气体中含氧量。


    Paramagnetic alternating pressure principle

    Small measuring ranges (0 to 0.5% or 99.5 to ** O2)

    Absolute linearity

    Detector element has no contact with the sample gas

    Can be used under "harsh conditions"

    Long service life

    Physically suppressed zero through suitable selection of reference gas (air or O2), e.g. 98 to ** O2 for purity monitoring/air separation

    Open interface architecture (RS 485, RS 232, PROFIBUS)

    SIPROM GA network for maintenance and service information (option)

    Electronics and physics: gas-tight isolation, purging is possible, IP65, long service life even in harsh environments (field device only)

    Heated versions (option), use also in presence of gases condensing at low temperature (field device only)

    Ex(p) for zones 1 and 2 according to ATEX 2G and ATEX 3G (field device only)


    For boiler control in combustion plants

    For safety-relevant applications (SIL)

    In the automotive industry (testbed systems)

    In chemical plants

    For ultra-pure gas quality monitoring

    Environmental protection

    Quality monitoring

    Versions for analyzing flammable and non-flammable gases or vapors for use in hazardous areas

    Special versions

    Special applications

    Besides the standard combinations, special applications concerning the material in the gas path and the material in the sample chambers are also available on request.

    Performance-tested version / QAL

    As a reference value for emission measurements according to German Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft), 13th and 27th BlmSchV, federal emission law


    19" rack unit

    With 4 U for installation

    In hinged frame

    In cabinets with or without telescopic rails

    Front plate can be swung down for servicing purposes (laptop connection)

    Internal gas paths: hose made of FKM (Viton) or pipe made of titanium or stainless steel (mat. no. 1.4571)

    Gas connections for sample gas inlet and outlet and for reference gas: Fittings, pipe diameter of 6 mm or ¼"

    Flow indicator for sample gas on front plate (option)

    Pressure switch in sample gas path for flow monitoring (option)

    Field device

    Two-door enclosure with gas-tight separation of analyzer and electronics sections

    Individually purgeable enclosure halves

    Analyzer unit and piping can be heated up to 130 °C (option)

    Gas path and stubs made of stainless steel (mat. no. 1.4571) or titanium, Hastelloy C22

    Purging gas connections: pipe diameter 10 mm or 3/8"

    Gas connections for sample gas inlet and outlet and for reference gas: Clamping ring connection for a pipe diameter of 6 mm or ¼"

    Display and operator panel

    Large LCD panel for ltaneous display of:

    Measured value (digital and analog displays)

    Status bar

    Measuring ranges

    Contrast of LCD panel adjustable using menu

    Permanent LED backlighting

    Washable membrane keyboard with five softkeys

    Menu-driven operation for parameterization, test functions, adjustment

    User help in plain text

    Graphic display of concentration trend; programmable time intervals

    Bilinl operating software German/English, English/Spanish, French/English, Spanish/English, Italian/English

    Inputs and outputs

    One analog output per medium (from 0, 2, 4 to 20 mA; NAMUR parameterizable)

    Two analog inputs configurable (e.g. correction of cross-interference, external pressure sensor)

    Six digital inputs freely configurable (e.g. for measuring range switchover, processing of external **s from sample preparation)

    Six relay outputs freely configurable (failure, maintenance demanded, maintenance switch, limit alarm, external solenoid valves)

    Expansion: Eight additional digital inputs and eight additional relay outputs each e.g. for autocalibration with up to four calibration gases


    RS 485 present in basic unit (connection from the rear; for the slide-in module also behind the front plate).


    AK interface for the automotive industry with extended functions

    RS 485/RS 232 converter

    RS 485/Ethernet converter

    RS 485/USB converter

    Connection to networks via PROFIBUS DP/PA interface

    SIPROM GA software as the service and maintenance tool

    OXYMAT 6, membrane keyboard and graphic display

    Designs – Parts wetted by sample gas, standard

    Gas path

    19" rack unit

    Field device

    Field device Ex

    With hoses


    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571




    FKM (e.g. Viton)



    Sample chamber

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum



    Fittings for sample chamber

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571




    PTFE (e.g. Teflon)




    FKM (e.g. Viton)



    With pipes



    Sample chamber





    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum


    FKM (Viton) or FFKM (Kalrez)



    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum


    FKM (Viton) or FFKM (Kalrez)



    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum


    FKM (Viton) or FFKM (Kalrez)

    With pipes



    Sample chamber



    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    FKM (Viton) or FFKM (Kalrez)

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    FKM (Viton) or FFKM (Kalrez)

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571

    FKM (Viton) or FFKM (Kalrez)

    With pipes



    Sample chamber





    Sample chamber



    Hastelloy C 22

    Hastelloy C 22

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum

    Hastelloy C 22

    FKM (e.g. Viton) or FFKM (e.g. Kalrez)

    Hastelloy C 22

    Hastelloy C 22

    Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4571 or tantalum

    Hastelloy C 22

    FKM (e.g. Viton) or FFKM (e.g. Kalrez)


    Gas path

    19" rack unit

    Field device

    Field device Ex

    Flow indicator

    Measuring tube

    Variable area

    Suspension boundary

    Angle units

    Duran glass

    Duran glass, black

    PTFE (Teflon)

    FKM (Viton)



    Pressure switch



    FKM (Viton)

    PA 6.3 T



    Gas path (19" rack unit)

    Gas path, reference gas connection 1 100 hPa, absolute

    Gas path, reference gas connection 3 000 to 5 000 hPa, absolute

    Legend for the gas path 19" rack unit figures


    Sample gas inlet


    Pressure switch in sample gas path (option)


    Sample gas outlet


    Purging gas


    Not used


    Pressure switch in reference gas path (option)


    Reference gas inlet


    Pressure sensor


    Restrictor in reference gas inlet




    O2 physical system


    Flow indicator in sample gas path (option)


    Restrictor in sample gas path


    Outlet restrictor

    Gas path (field device)

    Gas path, reference gas connection 1 100 hPa, absolute

    Legend for the gas path field device figures


    Not used


    Purging gas inlet (analyzer side)


    Sample gas inlet


    Pressure sensor


    Reference gas inlet


    O2 physical system


    Sample gas outlet


    Restrictor in sample gas path


    Purging gas inlet (electronics side)


    Pressure sensor in reference gas path (option)


    Purging gas outlet (electronics side)




    Purging gas outlet (analyzer side)


    Outlet restrictor

    Gas path, reference gas connection 3 000 to 5 000 hPa, absolute


    In contrast to almost all other gases, oxygen is paramagnetic. This property is utilized as the measuring principle by the OXYMAT 6 gas analyzers.

    Oxygen molecules in an inhomogeneous magnetic field are drawn in the direction of increased field strength due to their paramagnetism. When two gases with different oxygen contents meet in a magnetic field, a pressure difference is produced between them.

    In the case of OXYMAT 6, one gas (1) is a reference gas (N2, O2 or air), the other is the sample gas (5). The reference gas is introduced into the sample chamber (6) through two channels (3). One of these reference gas streams meets the sample gas within the area of a magnetic field (7). Because the two channels are connected, the pressure, which is proportional to the oxygen content, causes a cross flow. This flow is converted into an electric ** by a microflow sensor (4).

    The microflow sensor consists of two nickel-plated grids heated to approximately 120 ºC, which, along with two supplementary resistors, form a Wheatstone bridge. The pulsating flow results in a change in the resistance of the Ni grids. This leads to an offset in the bridge which is dependent on the oxygen concentration of the sample gas.

    Because the microflow sensor is located in the reference gas stream, the measurement is not influenced by the thermal conductivity, the specific heat or the internal friction of the sample gas. This also provides a high degree of corrosion resistance because the microflow sensor is not exposed to the direct influence of the sample gas.

    By using a magnetic field with alternating strength (8), the effect of the background flow in the microflow sensor is not detected, and the measurement is thus independent of the sample chamber position as well as the gas analyzer's operating position.

    The sample chamber is directly in the sample path and has a small volume, and the microflow sensor is a low-lag sensor. This results in a very short response time for the OXYMAT 6.

    Vibrations frequently occur at the place of installation and may falsify the measured ** (noise). A further microflow sensor (10) through which no gas passes acts as a vibration sensor. Its ** is applied to the measured ** as compensation.

    If the density of the sample gas deviates by more than 50% from that of the reference gas, the compensation microflow sensor (10) is flushed with reference gas just like the measuring sensor (4).


    The sample gases must be fed into the analyzers free of dust. Condensation in the sample chambers must be prevented. Therefore, the use of gas modified for the measuring task is necessary in most application cases.

    OXYMAT 6, mode of operation


    Advantages of the function-based application of reference gas

    The zero point can be defined specific to the application. It is then also possible to set "physically" suppressed zero points. For example, it is possible when using pure oxygen as the zero gas to set a measuring range of 99.5 to ** O2 with a resolution of 50 vpm.

    The sensor (microflow sensor) is located outside the sample gas. Through use of an appropriate material in the gas path, this also allows measurements in highly corrosive gases.

    Pressure variations in the sample gas can be compensated better since the reference gas is subjected to the same fluctuations.

    No influences on the thermal conductivity of the sample gas since the sensor is positioned on the reference gas side.

    The same gas is used for the zero gas calibration and as the reference gas. As a result of the low reference gas consumption (3 to 10 ml/min), one calibration gas cylinder can be used for both gases.

    No measuring effect is generated in the absence of oxygen. The measured ** need not therefore be set electronically to zero, and is thus extremely stable with regard to temperature and electronic influences.

    Main features

    Four measuring ranges which can be freely configured, even with suppressed zero point; all measuring ranges are linear

    Measuring ranges with physically suppressed zero point possible

    Measuring range identification

    Electrically isolated measured value output 0/2/4 through to 20 mA (including inverted)

    Choice of automatic or manual measuring range switchover; remote switching is also possible

    Storage of measured values possible during calibration

    Wide range of selectable time constants (static/dynamic noise damping); i.e. the response time of the device can be adapted to the respective measuring task

    Short response time

    Low long-term drift

    Measuring point switchover for up to 6 measuring points (parameterizable)

    Measuring point identification

    Internal pressure sensor for correction of pressure variations in sample gas range 500 to 2 000 hPa (abs.)

    External pressure sensor - only with piping as the gas path - can be connected for correction of variations in the sample gas pressure up to 3 000 hPa absolute (option)

    Monitoring of sample gas flow (option for version with hoses)

    Monitoring of sample gas and/or reference gas (option)

    Monitoring of reference gas with reference gas connection 3 000 to 5 000 hPa (abs.) (option)

    Automatic measuring range calibration parameterizable

    Operation based on NAMUR recommendation

    Two control levels with separate authorization codes for the prevention of accidental and unauthorized operator interventions

    Simple handling using a numerical membrane keyboard and operator prompting

    Custom-made device designs, such as:

    Customer acceptance

    TAG plates

    Drift recording

    Clean for O2 service

    Kalrez gaskets

    Analyzer unit with flow-type compensation circuit: a flow is passed through the compensation branch (option) to reduce the vibration dependency in the case of sample and reference gases with significantly different densities

    Sample chamber for use in presence of highly corrosive sample gases

    Reference gases for OXYMAT 6

    Measuring range

    Recommended reference gas

    Reference gas connection pressure


    0 to … vol.% O2


    2 000 … 4 000 hPa above sample gas pressure (max. 5 000 hPa absolute)

    The reference gas flow is set automatically to 5 … 10 ml/min (up to 20 ml/min with flow-type compensation branch)

    ... to 100 vol.% O21)


    2 000 … 4 000 hPa above sample gas pressure (max. 5 000 hPa absolute)

    Approx. 21 vol.% O22)


    100 hPa with respect to sample gas pressure, which may vary by max. 50 hPa around the air pressure

    1) Suppressed zero point with measuring range end value 100 vol.% O2.

    2) Suppressed zero point with 21 vol.% O2 within the measuring span.

    Correction of zero-point error/cross-sensitivities

    Accompanying gas
    (concentration 100 vol.%)

    Zero point deviation
    in vol.% O2 absolute

    Accompanying gas
    (concentration 100 vol.%)

    Zero point deviation
    in vol.% O2 absolute

    Organic gases


    Inert gases


    Ethane C2H6


    Helium He


    Ethene (ethylene) C2H4


    Neon Ne


    Ethine (acetylene) C2H2


    Argon Ar


    1,2-butadiene C4H6


    Krypton Kr


    1,3-butadiene C4H6


    Xenon Xe


    N-butane C4H10


    Inorganic gases


    Isobutane C4H10


    Ammonia NH3


    1-butene C4H8


    Hydrogen bromide HBr


    Isobutene C4H8


    Chlorine Cl2


    Dichlorodifluoromethane (R12) CCl2F2


    Hydrogen chloride HCl


    Acetic acid CH3COOH


    Dinitrogen monoxide N2O


    N-heptane C7H16


    Hydrogen fluoride HF


    N-hexane C6H14


    Hydrogen iodide HI


    Cyclo-hexane C6H12


    Carbon dioxide CO2


    Methane CH4


    Carbon monoxide CO


    Methanol CH3OH


    Nitrogen oxide NO


    N-octane C8H18


    Nitrogen N2


    N-pentane C5H12


    Nitrogen dioxide NO2


    Isopentane C5H12


    Sulfur dioxide SO2


    Propane C3H8


    Sulfur hexafluoride SF6


    Propylene C3H6


    Hydrogen sulfide H2S


    Trichlorofluoromethane (R11) CCl3F


    Water H2O


    Vinyl chloride C2H3Cl


    Hydrogen H2


    Vinyl fluoride C2H3F




    1,1 vinylidene chloride C2H2Cl2




    Zero point error due to diamagnetism or paramagnetism of some accompanying gases with reference to nitrogen at 60 °C und 1 000 hPa absolute (according to IEC 1207/3)

    Conversion to other temperatures

    The zero point deviations listed in the table must be multiplied by an adjustment factor (k):

    with diamagnetic gases: k = 333 K / (ϑ [°C] + 273 K)

    with paramagnetic gases: k = [333 K / (ϑ [°C] + 273 K)]2

    All diamagnetic gases have a negative zero point deviation.

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