

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 小昆山镇 荡湾村 广富林4588弄52号3楼
  • 姓名: 颜经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 工控电器 DCS/PLC系统
  • 发布日期:2024-01-11
  • 阅读量:46
  • 价格:7700.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海松江小昆山荡湾村  
  • 关键词:西门子PLC模块代理商,西门子CPU模块,西门子断路器代理商,西门子电源模块代理商,西门子电缆代理商




    EMC notes for the application of the product standard EN 61800-3

    The electromagnetic compatibility describes – according to the definition of the EMC directive – the "capability of a device to work satisfactorily in an electromagnetic environment without itself causing electromagnetic interference which is unacceptable for other devices present in this environment". To rantee that the appropriate EMC standards are observed, the devices must demonstrate a sufficiently high noise immunity, and also the emitted interference must be limited to acceptable values.

    Product standard EN 61800‑3 describes the EMC requirements placed on "Variable-speed drive systems".

    A variable-speed drive system (or Power Drive System PDS) consists of the Control Unit and Power Module or Control Unit, Line Module and Motor Module plus the relevant electric motors and encoders including connecting cables.

    The driven machine is not part of the drive system.


    EN 61800‑3 defines different requirements depending on the location where the drive is installed, designated as a first and second environment. Residential buildings or locations where the drive system is directly connected to a public low-voltage supply without intermediate transformer are defined
    as the first environment. All locations outside a residential area are defined
    as the second environment. These are basically industrial areas which are supplied from the medium-voltage network via their own transformers.


    Four different categories are defined in EN 61800‑3 depending on the installation site of the drive:

    Category C1: Drive systems for rated voltages < 1000 V for unlimited use in the first environment.

    Category C2: Stationary drive systems for rated voltages < 1000 V for use in the second environment. Use in the first environment is possible if the drive system is operated and installed by qualified personnel. The warning information and installation instructions supplied by the manufacturer must be observed.

    Category C3: Drive systems for rated voltages < 1000 V for exclusive use in the second environment.

    Category C4: Drive systems for rated voltages ≥ 1000 V, for rated currents ≥ 400 A or IT supply systems for use in complex systems in the second environment. An EMC plan must be drawn up.


    SINAMICS S120 Power Drive Systems (PDS) can be operated in the first and second environments. The measures necessary for operation in the respective environment are subsequently listed.

    Measures for complying with product standard EN 61800‑3 second environment

    Interference immunity

    The SINAMICS S120 drive system is suitable for operation in the second environment.

    Regarding interference immunity, SINAMICS S120 can be used in the first and second environments.

    Interference emission – complying with Category C2 second environment

    Regarding interference emission, to comply with the limit values according to EN 61800‑3 second environment, Category C2, the following measures must be applied:

    The drive system must be installed in compliance with EMC regulations by appropriately trained professionals.

    The SINAMICS S120 drive system requires a radio interference suppression filter, Category C2 (integrated as line filter, or as optional external line filter with/without line reactor)

    The pulse frequency is less than or equal to the rated pulse frequency

    The maximum motor cable length is complied with (shielded)

    Line supply with grounded neutral point (TN/TT supply system)

    Device-specific assignment of the measures to comply with product standard EN 61800‑3 second environment, Category C2

    SINAMICS S120 drive system

    Measures for

    Radio interference suppression filter, Category C2

    Maximum pulse frequency fp

    Maximum motor cable length (shielded)

    Device format

    Supply voltage

    Frame size



    m (ft)


    Line Modules

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    External line filter required 1)

    4 2)

    350 (1148)


    Active Line Modules
    Smart Line Modules

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    FX ... JX

    External line filter required

    4 2)

    300 (984)

    500 ... 690 V 3 AC

    FX ... JX

    External line filter required

    4 2)

    300 (984)


    Basic Line Modules

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    FB ... GD

    External line filter plus line reactor required 1)

    4 2)

    100 (328)

    500 ... 690 V 3 AC

    FB ... GD

    External line filter plus line reactor required 1)

    4 2)

    100 (328)


    Power Modules

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    FX and GX

    External line filter plus line reactor required 1)


    100 (328)


    Power Modules with integrated line filter

    200 ... 240 V 1/3 AC

    FSA ... FSC

    No measure required, as a line filter is integrated


    50 (164)

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    FSA ... FSC

    No measure required, as a line filter is integrated


    50 (164)

    FSD ... FSE

    No measure required, as a line filter is integrated


    150 (492)


    No measure required, as a line filter is integrated


    150 (492)

    500 ... 690 V 3 AC

    FSD and FSE

    No measure required, as a line filter is integrated


    100 (328)


    No measure required as a line filter is integrated (Category C3)


    150 (492)


    Power Modules without integrated line filter

    200 ... 240 V 3 AC

    FSD ... FSF

    External line filter required


    150 (492)

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    FSA ... FSC

    External line filter required 1)


    50 (164)

    FSD ... FSE

    External line filter required 1)


    150 (492)


    External line filter required 1)


    150 (492)

    500 ... 690 V 3 AC

    FSD ... FSF

    External line filter required 1)


    100 (328)

    1) Selection and ordering data for line filters and line reactors, see sections Line-side power components.

    2) Refers to the pulse frequency of the Motor Modules.

    Interference emission – complying with Category C3 second environment

    All Active Line Modules in booksize format, Basic Line Modules in booksize format 100 kW as well as Line Modules in chassis format in the standard version are compliant.
    A line reactor is required for Power Modules in chassis format.

    The maximum cable lengths and pulse frequencies (see the previous table) must be taken into account.
    For Active Line Modules in booksize format, when using an external line filter, the maximum cable length can be increased to 1000 m (3281 ft).

    Interference emission – complying with Category C4 second environment

    When connected to IT line supplies, only devices without integrated filter, Basic Line Modules in booksize format up to 40 kW, and all Smart Line Modules in booksize format are permissible. To limit symmetrical interference emission, suitable external filters without capacitors connected to ground must be used.

    Further selected accessories are available from the "Siemens Product Partner for Drives Options":

    Measures for complying with product standard EN 61800‑3 first environment

    Only PM240‑2 Power Modules in blocksize format can be used in the first environment.

    Interference immunity

    The SINAMICS S120 drive system is suitable for operation in the second environment.

    Regarding interference immunity, SINAMICS S120 can be used in the first and second environments.

    Interference emission – complying with Category C2 first environment

    For use in the first environment, in addition to the requirements for use in the second environment, device-specific notes to maintain the harmonic current limits must be taken into consideration. Here, EMC product standard EN 61800‑3 makes reference to the standards pertaining to harmonic currents: EN 61000‑3‑2 and EN 61000‑3‑12.

    Device-specific notes for complying with harmonic current limit values according to EN 61000‑3

    Power Modules with a power PN ≤ 1 kW
    Complying with limit values according to EN 61000‑3‑2 cannot be ranteed in this case. The installation company or company operating professionally used devices must obtain authorization to connect the device to the low-voltage grid from the responsible power utility company.

    Power Modules with a power PN > 1 kW and a rated input current Irated, input < 16 A
    These devices are not subject to any limit values regarding the harmonic currents, and can therefore be connected to the public low-voltage grid without prior authorization.

    Power Modules with a rated input current > 75 A
    There are no applicable standards when installing these types of devices. However, it is recommended that the utility company (grid operator) be informed when connecting such a device.

    Device-specific measures to comply with harmonic current limit values:

    Power Modules in blocksize format with a rated input current Irated, input > 16 A and ≤ 75 A

    Measures to comply with harmonic current limits according to EN 61000‑3‑12

    Rated power

    Rated input current Irated, input

    Supply voltage

    Frame size

    Line reactor uk = 4 %

    Minimum short-circuit power SSC at the connection point of the customers plant or system

    3 ... 7.5 kW

    20.7 ... 37 A

    200 ... 240 V 3 AC


    Required 1)

    S SC ≥ 120 × √3 × Uline × Irated, input

    5.5 ... 15 kW

    17.2 ... 39.9 A

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    FSB and FSC

    Required 1)

    11 ... 18.5 kW

    40 ... 64 A

    200 ... 240 V 3 AC


    Not required

    S SC ≥ 120 × √3 × Uline × Irated, input

    18.5 ... 37 kW

    36 ... 70 A

    380 ... 480 V 3 AC


    Not required

    1) Available from the "Siemens Product Partner for Drives Options": //www./drives-options-partner

    Example of calculating the minimum short-circuit power required

    Determining the minimum short-circuit power SSC for the Power Module in blocksize format FSD: 37 kW with Uline = 400 V and Irated, input = 70 A

    S SC ≥ 120 × √3 × Uline × Irated, input

    The short-circuit power must be greater than 120 × 1.73 × 400 V × 70 A = 5812 kVA

    As guide value, this typically corresponds to a low-voltage transformer with an apparent power of approximately 300 ... 400 kVA.


    The installation company or company operating the device is responsible for ensuring that this device is only connected at a connection point with an appropriate short-circuit power (fault level), if this is necessary after consulting the power utility (grid operator).
    The installation company or company operating the device requires authorization from the power utility (grid operator) in the following situations:

    Three-phase connection to a line supply with lower short-circuit power

    Three-phase connection without a line reactor

    Connecting single-phase devices with a rated input current Irated, input >16 A

    Maximum permissible cable lengths from the motor to the converter when using output reactors or filters depending on the voltage range and the Power Module being used

    The following load-side power components in the appropriate frame sizes are optionally available for the Power Modules and result in the following maximum cable lengths:


    Maximum permissible motor cable lengths (shielded/unshielded) in m (ft)

    Frame size







    PM240-2 Power Module with integrated braking chopper

    Available frame sizes







    200 V versions







    400 V versions







    690 V versions




    With optional output reactor







    At 200 ... 240 V 1 AC/3 AC

    150/225 (492/738)

    150/225 (492/738)

    150/225 (492/738)

    At 380 ... 415 V 3 AC

    150/225 (492/738)

    150/225 (492/738)

    150/225 (492/738)

    200/300 (656/984) 3)

    200/300 (656/984) 3)

    300/450 (984/1476) 3)

    At 440 ... 480 V 3 AC

    100/150 (328/492)

    100/150 (328/492)

    100/150 (328/492)

    200/300 (656/984) 3)

    200/300 (656/984) 3)

    300/450 (984/1476) 3)

    At 500 ... 690 V 3 AC

    200/300 (656/984) 3)

    200/300 (656/984) 3)

    300/450 (984/1476) 3)

    With integrated line filter class A







    At 200 ... 240 V 1 AC/3 AC

    50/- (164/-)

    50/- (164/-)

    50/- (164/-)

    At 380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    50/- (164/-)

    100/- (328/-) 2)

    150/- (492/-) 2)

    150/- (492/-)

    150/- (492/-)

    150/- (492/-)

    At 500 ... 690 V 3 AC

    100/- (328/-)

    100/- (328/-)

    150/- (492/-) (category C3)

    With optional, external line filter class B according to EN 55011 to comply with cable-conducted radio interference emissions according to EN 61800‑3 EMC Category C1 1), together with unfiltered Power Modules







    At 380 ... 480 V 3 AC

    50/- (164/-)

    50/- (164/-)

    50/- (164/-)

    With optional, external line filter class B according to EN 55011 and output reactor to comply with radio interference emissions according to EN 61800‑3 EMC Category C2 1), together with unfiltered Power Modules







    At 380 ... 415 V 3 AC

    150/- (492/-)

    150/- (492/-)

    150/- (492/-)

    At 440 ... 480 V 3 AC

    100/- (328/-)

    100/- (328/-)

    100/- (328/-)

    1) Further information is available on the Internet at //www./sinamics-g120/documentation

    2) The values apply for cables with low capacitance, e.g. MOTION‑CONNECT. When using standard CY cables, the maximum motor cable length is 50 m (164 ft) (shielded).

    3) For frame sizes FSD to FSF, the maximum permissible cable lengths are not increased with a motor reactor. By means of the motor reactor, the loading of the motor windings is reduced by lower rates of voltage rise (dv/dt).
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