

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 小昆山镇 荡湾村 广富林4588弄52号3楼
  • 姓名: 颜经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 工控电器 DCS/PLC系统
  • 发布日期:2024-01-11
  • 阅读量:30
  • 价格:99.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海松江小昆山荡湾村  
  • 关键词:6ES7214-1HG40-0XB0代理商,西门子PLC模块代理商,西门子S7-1200模块代理商,西门子断路器代理商,西门子CPU模块代理商




    Services and documentation

    The Retrofit Kit for Drives supports you in your transition from an existing converter (e.g. MICROMASTER) to SINAMICS.

    Using the online configurator, based on your existing installation, the new SINAMCS is proposed and the Retrofit Kit selected.
    The focus of the Retrofit Kit are simple applications. Retrofit projects you perform onsite. With the help of a dedicated retrofit documentation, online parameter conversion, adapter plate drawings and Service Card Priority the project can be completed efficiently



    Our understanding of an application is the customer-specific solution of an automation task based on standard hardware and software components. In this respect, industry knowledge and technological expertise are just as important as expert knowledge about how our products and systems work. We are setting ourselves this challenge with more than 280 application engineers in 20 countries.

    Application Centers

    We currently have Application Centers in:

    Head Office in Erlangen and in other German regions, e.g. in Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Mannheim, Frankfurt, Chemnitz, Cologne, Bielefeld, Bremen, Hanover, Hamburg

    Belgium: Brussels

    Brazil: Sao Paulo

    China: Beijing and 12 regions

    Denmark: Ballerup

    France: Paris

    Great Britain: Manchester

    India: Mumbai

    Italy: Bologna, Milan

    Japan: Tokyo, Osaka

    The Netherlands: The Hague

    Austria: Vienna

    Poland: Warsaw

    Sweden: Göteborg

    Switzerland: Zurich, Lausanne

    Spain: Madrid

    South Korea: Seoul

    Taiwan: Taipei

    Turkey: Istanbul

    USA: Atlanta

    These Application Centers specialize in the use of SIMATIC/SIMOTION/SINAMICS. You therefore can rely on automation and drive specialists for implementing successful applications. By involving your personnel at an early stage in the process, we can provide a solid basis for rapid knowledge transfer, maintenance and further development of your automation solution.

    Advice on applications and implementation

    We offer a variety of consultation services to help you find the optimum solution for the SIMATIC/SIMOTION/SINAMICS application you want to implement:

    The quotation phase includes

    clarification of technical questions,

    discussion of machine concepts and customer-specific solutions,

    selection of suitable technology and

    suggestions for implementation.

    A technical feasibility study is also performed at the outset. In this way, difficult points of the application can be identified and solved early on. We can also configure and implement your application as a complete solution from a single source.

    A large number of proven standard applications are available for use during the implementation phase. This saves engineering costs.

    The system can be commissioned by experienced, competent personnel, if required. This saves time and trouble.

    If servicing is required, we can support you on site or remotely. For more information about servicing, please see the section "Industry Services".

    On-site application training

    Training for the implemented applications can also be organized and carried out on site. This training for machine manufacturers and their customers does not deal with individual products, but the entire hardware and software system (for example, automation, drives and visualization).

    From an initial concept to successful installation and commissioning: We provide complete support for SIMATIC/SIMOTION/SINAMICS! Contact your Siemens representative.

    You can find more information at 
    欢迎来到浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市松江区小昆山镇 广富林4588弄52号3楼,联系人是颜经理。 主要经营浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司负责西门子低压电器授权代理商、西门子模块总代理商、西门子中国一级代理商、西门子PLC模块总代理商、西门子PLC一级代理商、西门子DP电缆代理商,本公司专销售西门子各系列产品;西门子保内全新产品质保一年。一年内因产品质量问题*换新产品;不收取任何费。 。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用优质的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。