

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 小昆山镇 荡湾村 广富林4588弄52号3楼
  • 姓名: 颜经理
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 工控电器 DCS/PLC系统
  • 发布日期:2024-01-11
  • 阅读量:41
  • 价格:500.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海松江小昆山荡湾村  
  • 关键词:西门子PLC模块代理商,西门子CPU模块,西门子电源模块代理商,西门子触摸屏代理商,西门子变频器代理商




    1FE2 asynchronous built-in motors

    SIMOTICS M-1FE2 is the new generation of built-in motors in asynchronous technology for directly
    driven motor spindles in turning, milling, grinding and multitasking machines.

    SIMOTICS M-1FE2 asynchronous built-in motor, CU rotor

    SIMOTICS M-1FE2 asynchronous built-in motor, AL rotor

    Compared to the previous 1PH2 series, they are characterized by significantly improved torque density, higher maximum speeds, a wider constant power range and higher overload. In addition to the SIMOTICS M-1FE1/M-1FE2 built-in synchronous motors, this means that applications for machines in job shops and mold making, as well as turning, milling and grinding machines can be addressed more intensively.


    Wide range of applications and high surface quality

    Optimum heat dissipation for maximum precision
    (potted winding)

    Wide continuous power range and high overload:

    for constant cutting performance during turning

    short ramp-up times for milling

    Safe temperature monitoring with Pt1000
    (option: PTC or NTC)

    Compact motor length compared to previous 1PH2 series and large internal rotor bore:

    for higher spindle stiffness and advantageous for bar capacity of automatic turning machines

    Coordinated system: SINUMERIK, SINAMICS S120 and motor:

    fast commissioning ensured


    The water-cooled SIMOTICS M-1FE2 asynchronous built-in motors are used in combination with the SINAMICS S120 drive system for applications that require the highest quality of machining, accuracy and running smoothness, as well as very short ramp-up times.

    Mainly used for:

    Flexible combination for applications with high speeds or high torques

    Job shops and mold making

    High accuracy and high surface quality

    Turning, milling and grinding applications


    All frame sizes are available in either star connection or star-delta circuit versions.

    The following variants are possible:

    Stator version without cooling jacket
    (also available with cooling jacket on request)

    Rotor version without rotor sleeve

    in copper for maximum torque utilization

    in aluminum for maximum speed

    (also available with rotor sleeve on request)

    Flexible connection cables 0.5 m/1.5 m (1.64 ft/4.92 ft)

    Further lengths available on request.


    Product name

    asynchronous built-in motor

    Type of machine

    Asynchronous spindle with squirrel-cage rotor
    aluminum or copper

    Constant power range

    Up to 1:8 (star connection) or
    1:10 with star-delta circuit (8-pole)

    Recommended coolant inlet temperature

    20 °C (68 °F) (max. 40 °C (104 °F) with derating)

    Standard protection temperature monitoring

    2 × Pt1000 PTC thermistors in the stator winding, 1 × spare

    Full protection optional

    Application: Processing at motor standstill

    In addition to standard protection

    3 × PTC thermistor triplet
    Can be evaluated, e.g. using a thermistor motor protection unit: Article No.: 3RN2013-1GW30

    Universal protection optional

    Full protection + NTC PT3-51F + NTC K227

    Stator winding insulation in accordance with EN 60034‑1 (IEC 60034‑1)

    Temperature class 155 (F) for a coolant inlet temperature of 20 °C (68 °F) (max. 40 °C (104 °F) with derating)

    Type of construction (cf. ISO)

    Individual components: stator, rotor

    Degree of protection in accordance with IEC 60034‑5


    Balance quality of rotor in accordance with ISO 1940‑1

    Non-pre-balanced, balancing over external balancing planes

    Encoder system

    Typical: Hollow-shaft incremental encoder sin/cos 1 Vpp (not included in scope of supply)

    Motor connection

    Free cable ends, length 0.5/1.5 m (1.64/4.92 ft)

    Rating plate

    2 units enclosed separately


    Example power/torque characteristic on the SIMOTICS M-1FE2093-8AG.. -...1

    Power characteristic 1FE2093-8AG..-... 1

    Torque characteristic 1FE2093-8AG..-...1


    You can find more information on the internet at:



    You can find the SIMOTICS M-1FE2 Configuration Manual (technical data and characteristics) for SINAMICS S120 here:

    Refer to Liquid cooling for SIMOTICS motors for a list of cooling system manufacturers
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